Breast Asymetry Correction

Being unhappy with the appearance of your body can affect virtually every aspect of your life. When your breasts are different shapes or sizes, it can have a negative impact on both your appearance and the way that your clothes fit. It can even prevent you from taking part in formerly enjoyable activities due to feelings of self-consciousness and embarrassment about your contours. If your body image is impairing your quality of life, Dr. Wiser can help.

Breast Asymmetry Correction

What causes breast asymmetry?

Many women have breasts that are differently sized or shaped. It is perfectly normal to have breasts that are not perfectly symmetrical. In most cases, the asymmetry is mild and insignificant.
There are numerous possible causes of breast asymmetry that include factors like age, weight, genetics, or even the effects of gravity. The most common cause is genetics. Acquired reasons for breast asymmetry include previous cosmetic or oncology surgery. There is no reason to be embarrassed about having breasts that have different sizes or shapes, but often women feel self-conscious about this part of their body when it does not meet their standards. Besides the emotional impact, breast asymmetry can affect posture, gait, and the ability to exercise due to the imbalance. The good news is that you have choices when it comes to correcting breast asymmetry to restore both proportion and balance to your body.

What is a tubular breast?

Tubular breast is a condition caused by an undesirable proliferation of breast tissue during puberty. Although it is not a health concern, some women seek to correct it.
The diagnosis of tubular breasts is a somewhat subjective one that involves insufficient breast tissue in both vertical and horizontal directions. This condition can be corrected using breast asymmetry correction techniques.

What is breast asymmetry correction?

Breast asymmetry correction is the right choice for you when you desire to improve balance and beauty in your chest area. Several techniques are available to help you achieve the shape and size that you want. Both breasts are commonly involved in a correction technique for breast asymmetry. Generally, breast asymmetry correction techniques include: enlarging the smaller breast, reducing the larger breast, or adjusting both breasts to a new symmetrical appearance.
In some cases, a breast reduction procedure improves breast proportion, but since one breast may be larger than the other, different amounts of reduction may be needed. This is an opportunity for you to choose the appearance of your symmetrical breasts following the operation. Some patients may prefer natural-looking breasts, larger or smaller, or “perky breasts.” Dr. Wiser can tailor your surgery to your desired outcome.
Breast asymmetry correction helps women who would like to achieve shapely and proportional breasts. This procedure is helpful for those with the following concerns:

  • Breasts that are perceived as being overly small or large
  • Uneven breasts due to a breast deformity
  • Feeling self-conscious about your appearance because of your breasts
  • Avoiding wearing specific clothing or taking part in activities due to your appearance

Your Consultation
For breast asymmetry correction to be effective, you need an expert plastic surgeon who pays careful attention to detail while also having some artistic ability to create qualities of beauty, natural appearance, and proportionality.
Dr. Wiser will meet with you to go over every step of the process so that you understand what is involved before your breast asymmetry correction. This is the time where you can discuss your concerns and aesthetic goals. This is also an appropriate time to ask any remaining questions that you may have regarding your upcoming procedure. The consultation purpose is to ensure that you are completely comfortable with your decision and everything involved with the procedure.

How do I prepare for my procedure?

Recommended steps you need to take to prepare for your procedure include:

  • Avoid taking certain medications and supplements that may interfere with blood coagulation, like vitamin E, omega 3 oil, blood thinners such as aspirin.
  • Quit smoking to avoid nicotine-related complications at least one month before the procedure.
  • Hydrate well before your procedure to enhance your recovery – you will know you are well hydrated when your urine color becomes clear.
  • Filling needed prescriptions and stocking up on food so you can return home and relax
  • Filling needed prescriptions and stocking up on food so you can return home and relax

What should I expect during my procedure?

Dr. Wiser may perform your procedure using general anesthesia or under local anesthesia with sedation. In either case, you will be comfortable and asleep during the procedure. Incisions are formed in out-of-the-way areas to minimize the appearance of scars. If breast enlargement is involved, a pocket will be developed for the placement of the implants. If your procedure consists of a lift or reduction, Dr. Wiser will remove excess skin and tissue will to achieve contoured breast.

Following Your Breast Asymmetry Correction

It is normal to experience some swelling and soreness after breast asymmetry correction surgery. After a week or so, these side effects should have resolved themselves. In the meantime, focus on your rest and recovery. You may need to visit with Dr. Wise periodically so that he can check on your progress. One of the first visits will involve the removal of your sutures and taping of incisions.
Recovery from breast asymmetry correction takes typically about four weeks; however, that does not necessarily mean that you will need that much time off from work and your daily activities. Patients can return to work in under one week, depending upon the nature and requirements of their work. Patients may resume exercising after four weeks. While recovering, patients should wear a sports bra. In some cases, it can take as long as six weeks or longer for the breasts to settle into their correct position.