Male Breast Reduction
(Gynecomastia Surgery NYC) in NYC, Long Island City

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a hormonal imbalance between testosterone and estrogen, which leads to enlarged or overdeveloped breast gland tissues in boys or men. This can create an increase of tissue in one or both breasts that may take time for the body to correct itself - typically occurring during puberty.

While gynecomastia is not a life-threatening medical issue, it can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition for boys and men. In older individuals, the symptoms may become permanent if left untreated, necessitating male breast reduction surgery as the only viable solution. Not only can this cause physical discomfort in afflicted area but low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy due to one's appearance are common among those suffering from gynecomastia too.

Gynecomastia is usually identified by a buildup of glandular tissue below the nipple, which may cause some soreness in that area. As it progresses, the breast can become increasingly larger and misshapen.


Gynecomastia can be the product of an assortment of potential triggers, including but not limited to:


In males between the ages of 13 and 17, this condition is notably widespread. However, it typically vanishes around the age of 18 without any treatment required. In fact, one quarter of all gynecomastia cases are physiological which makes patience a sufficient solution to resolving this issue that fades away over time on its own accord.


Gynecomastia may have various causes, but it has been identified that the use of certain medications, drugs, or nutritional supplements could be a contributing factor.

Medications like finasteride, cyproterone and spironolactone are often recommended to treat hair loss, enlarged prostates or other such ailments. Unfortunately, these drugs can severely limit male hormones production in the body.

The following are some additional causes of gynecomastia due to medication:

  • Antibiotics (Isoniazid, Ketoconazole, Metronidazole)
  • Blood pressure medications (Amlodipine, Verapamil, Enalapril, Nifedipine)
  • GI medications (Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Omeprazole)
  • Hormones (Anabolic steroids, Estrogen, Growth Hormone)
  • Psychiatric medications (Valium, Phenothiazine, Amitriptyline)
  • Cannabis users may also experience the symptoms of gynecomastia

Gynecomastia brought on by pharmacological agents can be treated by ceasing consumption of the drug or supplement responsible for its development. If this does not restore the condition, then further care may have to be sought out.


Gynecomastia can be the result of multiple serious medical conditions, such as tumors in the breasts, brain, testicles or adrenal glands. Moreover, prolonged ailments like those impacting the liver and kidneys may also cause this condition. If a male patient is manifesting any signs linked to these illnesses, then an accurate diagnosis must take place before providing treatment advice.


If gynecomastia runs in the family - such as your brother, uncle or even father having had it at some point in their life – then you may be likely to suffer from this condition too. It is not especially unusual for patients to still have gynecomastia long after puberty without any other underlying medical issue. However, do not worry! There are excellent treatments available for idiopathic causes of gynecomastia so that you can feel more confident and comfortable with yourself again.


Men who are experiencing the symptoms of gynecomastia may not actually have it. Instead, they could be grappling with pseudo gynecomastia - a condition characterized by excess fat accumulation in the chest area. This is especially common among men who are overweight or obese and those who lost weight but still haven't seen their breast skin retract as anticipated.


For male breast reduction, there are several methods to choose from. Liposuction and breast reduction surgery rank amongst the most popular; however, some cases might necessitate a combination of both for best results. Every patient is distinct in their needs and requirements, so it is essential that treatment plans are customized accordingly for maximum efficacy.

Male breast reduction surgery is typically done using a local anesthetic to numb the operative sites, though it can be performed with general anesthesia for greater comfort. During the procedure, fat and glandular tissues are removed carefully along with any excess skin that may need to be addressed.

Following the procedure, patients should wear a compression garment to minimize swelling and assist in recuperation. Since this is an outpatient surgery, they can leave the hospital shortly after it's complete.


All gynecomastia surgery requires incisions, which are carefully selected to minimize the visibility of scars. At our practice, we will do our best to make these incisions near existing contours or darker areas of the breast and nipple area in order to make them as subtle as possible. In cases where there is excess skin on the breasts, additional cuts may be needed in order to provide a masculine look and feel. Incision sites can also extend into the armpit region when necessary.


For gynecomastia cases caused by the overabundance of breast tissue, liposuction is typically regarded as the gold-standard treatment. The procedure involves a cannula inserted through several small incisions; this tool is essentially a long and slender tube used to remove unwanted fat cells from underneath the skin.

Before the procedure begins, you and your doctor will decide on the most suitable liposuction technique that targets your areas of concern. The cannula utilized for this process first releases excess fat before using gentle suction to remove it collectively. With a wealth of options available, rest assured knowing you'll find one tailored to meet all of your needs!

To attain a natural-looking, sculpted chest in males with excess fatty tissue or skin causing gynecomastia, excision techniques are key. This type of technique will reduce and reposition the size and placement of the areola or nipple for desired results.

Combining liposuction and excision techniques is a commonly used method of achieving the desired body aesthetic.


To reduce enlarged breasts in men, gynecomastia treatment surgery is a highly effective approach. Liposuction and excision are the two prime methods for eliminating male breast tissues. In more extreme cases, there may be need to remove excess skin as well as repositioning of the nipple and mammilla area.

Individuals living with gynecomastia, who are of the male gender, may be weighing their choices for plastic surgery. Such a decision should not be taken lightly; it is critical to carefully assess the individual's symptoms and well-being prior to determining if male breast reduction surgery would be the optimal treatment plan.

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Prior to determining whether or not male breast reduction surgery is the most suitable resolution for gynecomastia, we must assess if any particular patient qualifies as a solid contender. The sources and signs of this condition can be quite diverse, so it's essential that we select the optimal path forward on an individual basis. In certain cases, surgery will prove advantageous; however, in other instances it may not always be necessary.

In order to determine if a male patient should go through with this surgical procedure, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • Surgery is the only feasible option to treat gynecomastia, as all other treatments are ineffective.
  • The patient is in optimal physical health and not experiencing any life-threatening illnesses or chronic medical conditions.
  • The patient practices a lifestyle that is free of smoking and recreational drug use.
  • The contour and development of the breast have reached a mature state.
  • The patient is concerned with his physical appearance and believes gynecomastia surgery is a viable, necessary step to take.
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These are photos of real male patients who have undergone gynecomastia surgery for male breast reduction.


The initial consultation is invaluable in understanding a patient's gynecomastia symptoms, crafting the ideal treatment plan for male breast reduction surgery, and diagnosing the severity of enlarged breasts. A comprehensive physical examination will allow us to do this with great accuracy. After a thorough lab exam and medical imaging are completed to rule out any pathological causes of gynecomastia, treatment plans will be discussed and suggestions provided for resolution.

During this consultation, the patient should take full advantage of it and ask any questions he may have about his condition, its appearance, treatments available to him or other issues that are important. This is also a great time for us to assess if surgery would be an appropriate option for his condition, as well as determining whether this individual is a good candidate for such procedure.

After selecting a treatment option, the consultation process will examine any extra aesthetic issues that should be addressed with regard to the patient's breasts. This may include eliminating excess skin, altering nipple positioning and decreasing areola and nipple size. All of these details can be discussed in detail before beginning procedure.


For successful recovery and results for gynecomastia surgery, it's best to make sure you are in good physical health before the procedure. To guarantee that your body is ready for such a monumental transformation, consider acquiring some lifestyle changes now prior to going under the knife.

At WiserMD, we strive to leave nothing to chance. Dr. Wiser conducts a thorough laboratory assessment of your body's health in order to identify any potential abnormalities that need attending prior to surgery- and he'll take the time necessary until they've been normalized before proceeding!

To facilitate recovery after surgery, your body needs access to vital nutrients in larger amounts. WiserMD offers a specialized supplement that will replenish and optimize the immune system for optimal healing outcomes!

At WiserMD, we believe in reducing the chances of infection following male breast reduction surgery as close to zero as possible. To guarantee that our patients receive the utmost care and protection, Dr Wiser prescribes a pre-operative shower regimen with an anti-septic soap based on evidence. This action is designed to reduce the population of skin bacteria associated with post-surgical infections for optimal safety before treatment begins.

Out of all the necessary lifestyle modifications, your diet is key. We have known since we were young that limiting sugar and consuming more fruits and veggies are essential for living a healthy life. As you prepare for gynecomastia surgery, these eating tips become even more crucial if you want to ensure optimal health and bolster self-confidence following your procedure!

Consistent physical activity is a major factor towards achieving desired outcomes. Reducing alcohol consumption and abstaining from smoking will contribute significantly to successful surgery preparation. Additionally, any form of hormonal supplements or steroid-based products must be avoided prior to the said operation.

Taking proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle now will not only lead to faster recovery times post-surgery, but also ensure successful outcomes for male breast reduction. In other words, looking after your health is the key to having successful surgery results!


No two patients are the same and this can therefore influence recovery time. On average, male breast reduction requires four to six weeks of healing; however, as with any medical procedure, the duration could be longer or shorter depending on personal characteristics and type of treatment used.

Post-operative success is entirely dependent upon allowing the body to rest and heal effectively, which includes taking time off of work, remaining at home for a period, avoiding any form of strenuous activity or exercise. Therefore, it is imperative that ample healing and recovery time be taken after undergoing gynecomastia surgery.

Immediately after surgery, patients often report pain, soreness, and discomfort in the chest area. As such, medications should be taken as prescribed to help relieve symptoms related to these discomforts. Moreover, swelling is commonplace and a compression garment can also be worn for extra relief around this time span. To improve comfort levels even further for our clients at Dr Wiser's office we offer new techniques including nerve blockage in order to provide up to 24 hours of anesthesia following their procedure!

After your surgery, any pain and swelling should dissipate over time. Though you may be tempted to return to normal activities right away, only do so cautiously and gradually. Do not expect full recovery overnight; it takes patience for a successful healing process!

Once the procedure is completed, I will provide you with a post-op consultation to cover all of the necessary dos and don'ts for your successful healing period in the upcoming weeks. Remember to keep wearing compression garments and taking any prescribed medicines as recommended by me.


It's nearly impossible to estimate the cost for male breast reduction in Long Island City until a personal consultation and diagnosis is done. Every patient's treatment plan differs, making it tricky to decide on costs before any medical decisions have been made. Recovery time also depends on specific factors unique to each individual; as such, this information can only be obtained after consultations with your doctor or specialist.

Only after a comprehensive consultation which establishes the seriousness of the condition and necessary procedures can we provide an accurate estimate for treatment costs.

Most insurance plans cover all or some of the costs associated with gynecomastia surgery, depending on the specifics outlined in your policy. Dr Wiser's staff has extensive experience obtaining and interpreting insurance coverage info and helping you make informed decisions about moving forward with treatment.


With a New York license and Israeli Board Certification in Plastic Surgery, Dr. Itay Wiser is an established specialist with over fifty peer-reviewed scientific publications to his name. He currently serves as Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Mount Sinai Elmhurst Hospital after completing fellowships in reconstructive microsurgery focusing on aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, as well as lymphedema surgery fellowship program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

With a multitude of engagements treating Gynecomastia, Dr Wiser has treated over 500 cases with various surgical approaches in the United States and abroad.

His area of research specialization is patient reported outcome measurement, and he presents his work at plastic surgery conferences across the globe.

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If you're contemplating a male breast reduction intervention, chances are you have several questions. Here are some of the most frequent queries about this surgery:

How long does the surgery take?

Depending on the quantity of tissue that must be eliminated, a gynecomastia procedure could take anywhere from one to two hours. As you can imagine, this period will vary depending upon the amount of tissue requiring extraction.

When can I return to work?

Although you should take two to three weeks of rest and relaxation, patients normally return to their daily life in merely a few days. As long as your job is not overly strenuous and caution is observed at all times, then resuming work-related activities shouldn't be an issue.

Can gynecomastia return after surgery?

With gynecomastia surgery providing long-term results, it is possible for the condition to reoccur if causes or lifestyle habits that initiated male breast enlargement are not halted. That's why prior to undergoing surgery, changes must be made in one's life so a normal and healthy lifestyle can be achieved after operation completion.

The surgical procedures of Dr. Wiser boast an incredibly low return rate of less than 1%.

Can you build muscle after gynecomastia surgery?

Absolutely, you can build muscle after male breast reduction surgery – but only if you take the necessary precautions. Exercise should be avoided for four to six weeks following your procedure so that you have ample time to recuperate completely and return stronger than ever before!

Can exercise get rid of gynecomastia?

The answer here is: it depends. If your gynecomastia has a fatty tissue component, then exercising can help reduce the size of the breasts without surgery. However, if your condition is mainly caused by glandular tissue, surgical intervention may be necessary to achieve desired results.

How can I sleep after gynecomastia surgery?

During your initial weeks of recovery, it is suggested to sleep with your back elevated at a 45-degree angle. Sleeping on the stomach or side should be avoided during this period in order to ensure adequate healing and progress.